Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More freebies, but not what you think

I know I am *supposed* to stay on topic here and ONLY talk scrapbooking, but I just can't help myself this time.

Although I will mention that I am anxiously awaiting my first photo book from My poor baby does have her own scrapbook album yet. I've gotten so far behind with everyone else that hers is going to be a digi-album, printed out. I had SO much fun playing with all her photos, but anyway...

Ok, the reason for my post today is a new site I created:

The motivation behind the site was another site called Freebie Force. I would send you right to their site, but you have to be referred by someone to get a free tour.

It's basically a site filled (and I do mean FILLED) with tons of freebies. I won't go into all the details here. Just go to and watch the short video on there. It's got TONS of freebies that I can't imagine anyone NOT finding something on there they'd like. Seriously.

And you don't have to do those dumb, tedious surveys that go on for 100 pages and then you get nothing.

Ok...that's enough non-scrapbook talk. Just wanted to share!


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