Tuesday, August 12, 2008

BIG big BIG big news!

I could hardly contain myself tonight as I shopped in our local Target. I walked past their scrapbook aisle and all I could see were those little red clearance tags. They were calling me...

So I walked down the aisle and, while at first glance I thought EVERYTHING was on clearance, it's not all their stock, but it sure is a bigger chunk than I've ever seen. Everything from their albums (in all sizes) to stickers (even those fancy paper-pieced ones), papers, page kits, card making supplies...

If I didn't have all 4 kids and a baby belly about to burst and ankles as swollen as my belly, I probably could have spent a good hour pouring over everything. SO...head on over to your local Target. You might be in for a pleasant surprise. Note: None of their totes or those white cube organizer things were on clearance. I know... I was hoping they would be, too.

On another note, Scrapbook.com is having a big celebration because they've now had over 100 million page views in their gallery! That's astounding! To make it special, they're offering their super popular Fiskars Threading Water Border Punch for 40% off with coupon code punch4545. But act fast because the code expires on August 14th at midnight.

Fiskars - Border Punch - Threading Water, BRAND NEW

And be sure to watch the video they have on the page above. If you've never heard of this, it's worth the watch.



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