Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Sorry it's been so long, but...

We're in the midst of getting settled and we just got our internet working! We had to get satellite interenet since Embarq failed to tell us the truth about not being able to service us in our very RURAL property. How rural are we? Well, if you imagine the boondocks (or the "sticks", depending on where you're from!) and we live further out than that! It takes us about 15 minutes driving on 2 lane country roads to get to Walmart, but once we get to town, there's plenty of everything...even a Chick-fil-A, my favorite fast food stop! Yummy!

Country life sure is different! We have been eating lots of great homemade desserts made by my mother-in-law with fruit from our "mini-farm" and our girls barely complain about all the bug bites they're getting playing on the 1+ acres of cleared land we now own.

Cell service? Forget about it! We're lucky to get 1 bar! We just got long distance service straightened out yesterday and we STILL are living on the bare necessities of furniture while we wait for the movers to bring the rest of our stuff!

But, I do have all my scrapbook supplies and have already made plans to make a "Before and After" album for all the progress we've made. My in-laws have been a TREMENDOUS help painting, securing shelves, tearing out half-walls and watching the children.

So, my question is regarding "Before and After" albums or pages! I would love to know what you did, how you documented it and what types of embellishments you used. You can even email me a photo if you like!

Next week, I probably won't be writing again because I will be buried in boxes, but I will TRY to sneak away and post!

Scrapfully yours,
Susan W

P.S. I just installed Memory Mixer and plan to try playing with it soon! Now, if you're already into Digital Scrapbooking, you HAVE to go to ComputerScrapbook.com this week! Use this coupon for an amazing 30% off!! The code is AUG3NE and they also have some great free stuff!

P.P.S. I just read through my post and found a BUNCH of typos! Sorry about that! I think my brain is damaged from the oil based primer we were using. Those of you who have ever used it will know what I mean!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


We've finally arrived in North Carolina and it's not only VERY green, but it is also VERY HUMID!! You forget how sticky the air can be when you're in a place as dry as San Antonio is! After four days driving with 4 children, a BIG utility trailer and a car top carrier on a minivan, we made it!

As we travelled, I lamented not having made a scrapbook to document the 10 years of miitary service my husband has had. I am not exactly sure why...it just was "life" and I am only beginning to realize how different it was than most other families we know.

Then the idea dawned on me to create an album that has pages that sum up years instead of every little event. This will be MUCH less daunting of a task and one I think I might actually be able to complete!

This leads to my question of the week and probably applies more to those who have lived longer and fuller lives and just recently began to scrapbook. I want to know how you have tackled years and years of photos and memories in your scrapbooking. Do you do just special events like birthdays and holidays or summarize an entire year on just a one or two page layout?

With digital photography, this would be much easier, but I have photos going all the way back to our honeymoon 10 years ago that are just waiting for me to scrapbook them! I've also toyed with doing a simplified scrapbook using one of those photo albums where you just slip the photos into the sleeves, but using some sleeves to include a small journaling block. Do let me know if you've tried this and if it went well for you!

Oh, I almost forgot! For an early birthday present (my birthday is Sunday! YIKES!) I got the Memory Mixer software for digital photos. With all the moving, I haven't had time to check it out yet, but it sure looks fun! One feature I think I will really like is that you can incorporate videos into your pages! This is wonderful and solves the problem I have had with integrating our home videos into a format that will be viewed more! I will post a detailed review once I have had a chance to play!

You can check out the software at Scrapbook.com.

See you next week!

Susan W