Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Just in time...Day #9

Ok...did I forget to mention that I might not post every special from Scrapbook.com?  Life gets, well, downright BONKERS around here at times and the last few days have been like that.

For example, my husband's grandparents called us saying they wanted to come see the baby and we had ONE HOUR before they arrived.  Yea...I sure wish I had vacuumed on Friday like I had planned to.  But I must say that it's amazing how much you can do in one hour when you have to. :o)

Anyway, today's special from Scrapbook.com is a big one. 

Making Memories - Slice Cordless Design Cutter Machine - Starter Kit, BRAND NEW

You really need to check out the demo video they have on the site.

Anyway, with your purchase, you'll get a rebate card for a free cartridge AND be entered into their contest for a trip to Disneyland!  Woo hoo!

Just use code decslice to get the special pricing!


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