Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Crafter's Workshop 12x12 Doodling Template - Dots All Around!

I'm pretty partial to circles and dots and swirls.  There's just something soothing and pleasant, visually, about curves.  Maybe that's why God made me female, although there are a few curves that are mine that are a little less than appealing, but that's for another blog. :o)

Anyway, has their 12 x 12 Doodling Template for nothin' today with any purchase of $30 or more.  Is it just me or are more layouts featured in scrapbook magazine featuring the dots that this little tool can do?

Here's the link so you can add it to your cart:

The code needed for this is dectemplate.


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Just in time...Day #9

Ok...did I forget to mention that I might not post every special from  Life gets, well, downright BONKERS around here at times and the last few days have been like that.

For example, my husband's grandparents called us saying they wanted to come see the baby and we had ONE HOUR before they arrived.  Yea...I sure wish I had vacuumed on Friday like I had planned to.  But I must say that it's amazing how much you can do in one hour when you have to. :o)

Anyway, today's special from is a big one. 

Making Memories - Slice Cordless Design Cutter Machine - Starter Kit, BRAND NEW

You really need to check out the demo video they have on the site.

Anyway, with your purchase, you'll get a rebate card for a free cartridge AND be entered into their contest for a trip to Disneyland!  Woo hoo!

Just use code decslice to get the special pricing!


Friday, December 05, 2008

Skipped Day 4...onto Day 5 of Christmas at

Sorry about missing the boat yesterday and not posting the sale for yesterday.  It was a busy day and I got distracted!

But today...get Metal Alphabet letters from We R Memory Keepers for half off!

We R Memory Keepers - Precious Metals Collection - Metal Alphabet Set - Coppered Out - Post

You know the drill...put it in your cart and use code decalpha to get the discount!


Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A little late, but it's free glitter!!

Bling!  Bling!  Christmas freebies ring! 
On the Day of Christmas Three,
Get Stickles Trio Pack Free!!
Get Diamond and Silver and Gold
This sparkly glue will never get old!

When making a purchase of at least thirty dollars,
Place this coupon code in and give out 3 hollers!

Ok, so maybe I'm not the best at rhyming, but if you like glitter without the mess, check out this trio of glitter glue for nothin' with any $30 order.  Just use this code:



Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Too Cute Gift Idea

For the second day of Christmas sales at, they've got an awesome deal on their Making Memories Photo Tray coupon code needed, either!

Normally, these run for $22, but today they're 75% off and only $ limits either.  So if you want to make one for your mom, but mother in law will be upset because she didn't get one, well, you can make one for her, too!

Frankly, my mom wouldn't care much about something like this...she's about as sentimental as a door mat.  She even cut up my baby blanket, you know, the kind from the hospital, to make something for my little sister.  Yes...I could NOT make this up.  I'm getting over it, slowly, as it was ober 25 years ago. :o)

Anyway, sorry for that "rabbit trail"...

Be sure you take advantage of this before the end of the day because once it's December 3rd, there will be a new deal and this one will be history!

Here's a pic to entice you to click! *wink*

Monday, December 01, 2008's 12 days of Christmas Sale

Every year, the folks at hold a "12 Days of Christmas" sale...and this year, they're starting off with a BANG!

This is what you get with any $35 order:

Sandylion - Disney Collection - 8x8 Album Kit - Mickey

But you will need a handy-dandy coupon code to get it.  So, once you've added the Mickey kit to your cart and are ready to checkout, use code decmickey to get it for nothin'!

Enjoy! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.