Friday, March 30, 2007

Crazy ideas...

Alright...I'm proving that I am indeed human today. I sent off my newsletter that I usually compose HERE first, but I didn't and now I can't figure out how to get it back! UGH!

Well, I know I was talking about doing unusual layouts on my scrapbook pages and that was my question of the week. What kind of crazy, nutty or downright weird things have you tried on your scrapbook pages? Leave your comments!

Now, something new I discovered while I was in "la la land" was a link to a very unique concept I haven't seen before. Basically, you can take your regular digital photos and make them look like polaroid prints. Oh, and it's FREE! Here's the link:

Ok, I forgot last week to add another video to my blog, so here is another one:

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Is Spring REALLY Coming??

I don't know about you, but it seems like this winter was TOO long! I was talking to a friend on the phone yesterday about this and it really seems to take it's toll when the weather is cold...and I only live in North Carolina! I can't imagine what it's like in the other parts of the country (or world) that are REALLY cold. Now I know why everyone wants to go to Florida in the winter! Count me IN!

In fact, I just got back from a great trip to visit my parents. No one got on anyone else's nerves...which is a first, I think. With 4 little ones, it can be hard, but it was a nice visit.

I picked up a neat scrapbook kit with 3 mini albums that I plan to make for 2 friends I saw from High School. We hadn't all been together in almost 10 years and had not seen each other's children. 10 years and 10 kids later... it was a blast.

Well, I have been thinking about some Spring Titles for you...

Bounce Forward
Spring Dreaming
Buh-Bye Winter Blues
Fields of Flowers
Daffodil Delight
Dogwoods: Spring's Teaser
Gone with the Brown - In with the Green
Cure for Cabin Fever - Warm Weather
Sunshine DON'T Go Away Today
March Magnificence

Hope these inspire some great Spring pages!

Oh, and if you have a Target nearby, I just went tonight and they had a BUNCH of albums on clearance. I don't know if they are totally getting rid of their scrapbooking section (it looked like they might be in my store), but at least you can get some great deals on some albums if you need them. They also had some stickers and embellishments on clearance, too.

One last thing, if you are an eBay fan, which I am a HUGE eBay fan, you might be interested in this new eBay Membership Site that I just joined. The site has WAY more information than you could possibly digest in a couple days and has all the Top eBay experts helping members out on the exclusive forums. I have been so impressed with everything that I got my rear in gear and started listing a bunch more stuff on eBay today.

Anyway, check it out at
If you have just 2 friends sign up with you, your fees are totally paid for! How awesome is that!

Have a great SPRING day!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Why scrapbook?

I know we have our "canned" responses when family members ask what the deal is with the 47 colorful "photo albums" we have on our coffee tables or when someone tries to use one of our Zig markers for writing out a shopping list, for Pete's sake!

But, really, why do you scrapbook? Not only is it my question of the week (bet you thought I wasn't doing those anymore, eh?), but it's also my challenge to you.

Almost every time I send out a newsletter, I get a person who wants to unsubscribe. It's a little sad, but I know what it's like to get a bunch of email and sometimes, even the best newsletters are just too much and I unsubscribe just to keep my inbox clean!

Last week was no exception. I got an unsubscribe request, but it was not the usual. It was from a subscriber's husband. He wrote me to request that he remove his wife's email from my list because she died in November.


I didn't know her personally, but it really made me sad for him and his family. Imagine having not only to go through a loved one's personal belongings, but having to go through their email...people sending notes or newsletters totally not knowing that the recipient passed away.

It made me take a look at the emails I send out to my friends and hope I communicate how much I love and care for them.

Then it made me think about how grateful her husband must be that one of her hobbies was scrapbooking. He and their children (if they have any) now have a physical reminder of her. Her thoughts, her creativity, her handwriting...all in a neat little package we call a scrapbook.

I know I always like to think about my grandkids snuggling up with me on a couch someday asking to see photos of their mommy (not daddy because we have all girls!) when she was little. I just never really thought about them looking at them without me because I was no longer here to share it with them.

So here is my challenge to you and to me.

Make your scrapbooks count. Make them "you" in book form. Make them a snapshot of your personality, your thoughts, your dreams so others will know who you are even if you never meet.

This little email that was only 1 sentence may have changed my life. I am going to attempt to do an album about me. I used to think these were selfish type albums, and maybe they are in a sense because if I were to leave this earth for Heaven tomorrow, I want MY girls to know who I was, what I loved, what I didn't and most of all, how much I love them.

Let me know your thoughts on this by posting a comment below. But most of all, PLEASE share this with someone you know who also scrapbooks. Let this mourning husband's email to be removed from my mailing list be the catalyst that gets us all scrapbooking the legacy that is our lives.

Better yet, have them go to my website, Barefoot Memories, or my Squidoo lens to sign up for my newsletter. It might just be what they need to get motivated to scrap their photos and make their legacy book for their families.

Your scrapping friend,

Friday, March 02, 2007

Want a free scrapbook gift? Sign up for my scrapbook newsletter!

If you haven't already signed up for my FREE scrapbooking newsletter, why not take a second right now and do it? Just click here to sign up.

If you already have joined and would like to get a special gift for telling your friends, go here!

(Note: If you are signing up for the first time, you will be given the opportunity to get this special gift for telling your friends. No need to do it twice! :o)


A Cute Set of Totes...for Scrapbooking

Whew...what a week! I've been switching over to a new email management program, been battling sickness, crazy schedules and just haven't had the time to get on here to post! Sorry!

Well, to try to make it up to you, I wanted to give you a coupon code for a VERY CUTE set of 3 totes from Chadwicks. No, it's not a scrapbooking site, but the totes are just too cute to NOT tell you about. The code is CH5663 and they are free with any purchase. I've gotten some of their free offers before and have always been pleased. Just go to and shop!

Now, I have another video for you right now. This one is a "Behind the scenes" look at Two Peas. Very informative and interesting seeing what goes on in one of the big names of scrapbooking online. Enjoy!