Well, we've been getting some much needed rain here in South Texas! I really should do a simple scrapbook page about it. I have been astonished at how it seems like most people here don't know how to drive in a little rain! Growing up in South Florida, I learned how to drive in some serious downpours that came just about every summer afternoon, so a little sprinkle here and there is not a big deal. But it has been SO dry here with drought conditions and state fire bans, I guess they just aren't used to rain.
I should take a photo of all the backed up traffic (for no reason, mind you!) and the wet roads. Just a simple scrapbook page.
Anyway, I wanted to remind you about my need for your help! In April, I am going to be asking baby related questions. I am trying to get some good information on baby scrapbooks for my website and I would love to have as much input as I can get. The only condition is that you need to be willing to "publish" your info. You can either just answer my blog "question of the week" by posting something in the comments OR send it to my email account on my website.
Oh, did I mention my website has been under renovation? I have been working on several informative topics, found lots of great sites and products you might like, and basically been working hard on it! I have taken the focus off of my Leaving Prints business and put it more towards general scrapbook interests. Go check it out and let me know what you think!
Ok, so now for my Question of the Week!"
Since I have baby on the brain, I wanted to ask if you scrapbooked your baby BEFORE his or her birth. Now, I don't mean you had to have pages done before the big arrival, but did you document your morning sickness? How much weight did you gain? What were your thoughts about being a parent? How did you react to the first ultrasound? First heartbeat you heard?
Now, I don't want all the specifics, just trying to explain what I mean by pre-birth pages.
As for me, I did a lot more introspective (wow, that's a big word for me!) journaling with my first baby. Everything was so new, but with each new child, the precious blessings became more special because I had a greater understanding of how much could go wrong! We have been spared the heartaches of finding out something wasn't "normal" with our babies at birth, but I have also learned from other moms how blessed you can be with a baby who isn't perfect by the world's standards.
So, let me know how you documented your pregnancy! I can't wait to hear! Oh, and for a little incentive, I will draw a name from everyone who either posts or sends me their baby info from now until the end of April and give the winner a $10 gift certificate to Leaving Prints! How's that?
Oh, and I almost forgot!!! I finally got all my scrapbook stuff up on eBay! It ended up being about $700 worth of stuff!! My husband's jaw dropped when he proof read the auction for me and questioned why I would start the bidding at only $0.99. I just thought it would be fun to see how the bidding went starting so low! I already have some people watching it, so if you've been wanting some serious scrapbook supplies, check it out!
Also, for those of you who have been considering ordering my Scrapbook Crop Themes eBook, as soon as the auction on eBay ends for this product, the price will be going up. The auction ends about 10 am Eastern on Thursday morning. After that, I will be going in and updating the price. Be sure to get your order in now if you want it at this reduced price. The best place to order and get instant access is at my Barefoot Memories website.
Whew! This ended up being a really long post! Thanks for taking the time to read it! I will look forward to all your posts and replies about BABY scrapbooks!
Susan W
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
Digging deeper
What a weekend we had! After spending all day Saturday in pain, I went to an urgent care clinic to find out I had pain coming from my right ovary. Not exactly what any woman wants to hear! The pain was so intense that I actually laid down on the floor of the waiting room! Those of you who know me fairly well know that I must have been out of my mind to do that!
Anyway, I had an ultrasound Sunday morning and they couldn't find anything! The Dr. thinks it might have been a small cyst that ruptured, but since there was no fluid, he couldn't be certain. After talking with a few women who'd had similar things happen, we think that is what it was!
You should have seen my poor husband wondering how he would take care of our nursing baby Caralyn who has never even seen a baby bottle! He was quite relieved, as I was, to know I was fine. I am basically back to normal now...I even made a trip to Wally World with the girls today! (Oh, Wally World is Walmart for those who don't know!)
So, this weekend I got some great questions from Heather that I can use for my questions of the week AND I found some more at Scrapjazz. So I am going to ration them out slowly and see how long they last.
Also, with reworking my website, I am working on putting together some scrapbooking pages on a variety of different subjects and thought I would recruit anyone who would like to help out! Basically I am looking for any articles that other scrapbookers would find interesting. If you have photos of your scrapbook room, you can write an article around them. If you are into altered projects, you can share how you do them. If you have some ideas for pages, especially anything baby related, let's hear them!
If I decide it is something I can use, I will let you know and there's a really good chance I will e-publish your article on my website with your own page and possibly in a scrapbook e-book I have been thinking about! What do you think about that? If you are chosen, you will get a free copy of the eBook, of course! Feel free to pass this along to any of your friends. The more the merrier! Just visit my website (www.BarefootMemories.net) to email me and I will get you more info.
So, enough of that...let's get to our question of the week!Drum roll......
How do you overcome scrappers block?
I know, this is a toughie. I usually dig out my sketches and search through them or pick up any scrapbook magazine that is handy. I also like using any Leaving Prints instructions I have since they are step by step to design a simple layout.
Well, how do you get over a slump? I look forward to your replies!
Until next week,
P.S. Thanks to everyone who responded to my plee for help in getting rid of some of my old scrapbook inventory. I still have a bunch left and am going to do a HUGE auction on eBay later on this week, probably Sunday. It's got over 25 POUNDS of scrapbook stuff, so if you've got a few friends that want to go in together on all this, you will be getting a great deal. The bidding will start at $0.99, just for fun, and we'll see who wins! I think the retail value is well over $400, but don't tell my hubby that! Just scroll down to see my previous post for the link to my eBay auctions or search for my User ID micnsu.
Anyway, I had an ultrasound Sunday morning and they couldn't find anything! The Dr. thinks it might have been a small cyst that ruptured, but since there was no fluid, he couldn't be certain. After talking with a few women who'd had similar things happen, we think that is what it was!
You should have seen my poor husband wondering how he would take care of our nursing baby Caralyn who has never even seen a baby bottle! He was quite relieved, as I was, to know I was fine. I am basically back to normal now...I even made a trip to Wally World with the girls today! (Oh, Wally World is Walmart for those who don't know!)
So, this weekend I got some great questions from Heather that I can use for my questions of the week AND I found some more at Scrapjazz. So I am going to ration them out slowly and see how long they last.
Also, with reworking my website, I am working on putting together some scrapbooking pages on a variety of different subjects and thought I would recruit anyone who would like to help out! Basically I am looking for any articles that other scrapbookers would find interesting. If you have photos of your scrapbook room, you can write an article around them. If you are into altered projects, you can share how you do them. If you have some ideas for pages, especially anything baby related, let's hear them!
If I decide it is something I can use, I will let you know and there's a really good chance I will e-publish your article on my website with your own page and possibly in a scrapbook e-book I have been thinking about! What do you think about that? If you are chosen, you will get a free copy of the eBook, of course! Feel free to pass this along to any of your friends. The more the merrier! Just visit my website (www.BarefootMemories.net) to email me and I will get you more info.
So, enough of that...let's get to our question of the week!Drum roll......
How do you overcome scrappers block?
I know, this is a toughie. I usually dig out my sketches and search through them or pick up any scrapbook magazine that is handy. I also like using any Leaving Prints instructions I have since they are step by step to design a simple layout.
Well, how do you get over a slump? I look forward to your replies!
Until next week,
P.S. Thanks to everyone who responded to my plee for help in getting rid of some of my old scrapbook inventory. I still have a bunch left and am going to do a HUGE auction on eBay later on this week, probably Sunday. It's got over 25 POUNDS of scrapbook stuff, so if you've got a few friends that want to go in together on all this, you will be getting a great deal. The bidding will start at $0.99, just for fun, and we'll see who wins! I think the retail value is well over $400, but don't tell my hubby that! Just scroll down to see my previous post for the link to my eBay auctions or search for my User ID micnsu.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Something new to think about
Well, it is encouraging to read that most scrapbookers are behind!! I guess it's partly due to the fact that we are not only scrapbookers, but avid photographers as well. It is some consolation that I don't take as many photos as I used to, but I do find that I take photos to scrap, not scrap my photos, if you know what I mean.
So that lead me to my new question on the week...do you scrap your photos OR take photos to scrap? I try to do a little of both, but after Caralyn was born, I knew I wanted to take some photos of her hand compared to mine and close ups of her precious little baby parts...you know, like those famous photographers do and get the big bucks for!
If you take photos to scrap, what are some of the odd, unique or just plain silly photos you have taken with a scrapbook layout in mind?
Can't wait to hear your replies!
P.S. I have been reworking my current website to tailor more to what YOU want and less about me! I hope to be releasing it very soon, so be on the lookout for my big announcement!
So that lead me to my new question on the week...do you scrap your photos OR take photos to scrap? I try to do a little of both, but after Caralyn was born, I knew I wanted to take some photos of her hand compared to mine and close ups of her precious little baby parts...you know, like those famous photographers do and get the big bucks for!
If you take photos to scrap, what are some of the odd, unique or just plain silly photos you have taken with a scrapbook layout in mind?
Can't wait to hear your replies!
P.S. I have been reworking my current website to tailor more to what YOU want and less about me! I hope to be releasing it very soon, so be on the lookout for my big announcement!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Question of the week...
I got a great idea from Rhonda (thanks for your comment! :o) and was wondering how far behind is everyone on their scrapbooking? Basically I just want to feel better about how far behind I am. I am doing one album per daughter (4) and don't even have any family albums. I think I am up to about August 2005 in each album, although the baby wasn't born then, so I am only 5 months behind on hers! UGH!
So, post your comments. Let me, and others, know how far behind you are on your albums. If you aren't behind, PLEASE share your anti-procrastination tips!
Until next time...
Susan <---who is currently barefoot!
So, post your comments. Let me, and others, know how far behind you are on your albums. If you aren't behind, PLEASE share your anti-procrastination tips!
Until next time...
Susan <---who is currently barefoot!
Friday, March 03, 2006
March Already?

Yes, it seems like it was just yesterday that we were celebrating the new year! Are you getting ready for spring?
I have already begun some spring cleaning and I sure could use your help! Some of you know that our family has been in a temporary living situation for a little while (our family of 6 in a small 3 bedroom apartment!!) and my previous inventory from Top Line Creations has got to go! It has literally taken over our 2 youngest daughters' closet!! Just take a look at the photo above!!! (You can see Caralyn's Crib at the top and Brynne's Blanket on her toddler bed on the right! What you can't see is my husband off to the left with his mouth wide open in SHOCK when he saw all this stuff!)
Now I have already been listing a bunch of these things on eBay and I plan to add more this week, but since I HAVE to get rid of all this ASAP, I need your help! Most of my kits are listed as Paper Bag Albums because I thought they would sell better that way, but you can always just use the kits without the bags and use the bags for lunch! :)
My husband has also gotten pretty upset about all the scrapbook stuff I have sitting around here. He's threatened to "clean up" my scrapbook table and you KNOW what that means!
PLEASE forward this blog address to your friends that scrapbook and go check out my auctions on eBay here:
When you win one of my auctions, be sure to put in the payment notes that you saw this on my Blog and I will include a special FREE gift!!
Thanks for your help...and my daughters and husband thank you, too!
Susan ********************************************************************************** St. Patrick's Day is coming!
Here are some fun titles you can use for these holiday pics!
A Kiss For Luck
A Little Bit Of Blarney
Best O'Luck
Feelin' Green
Happy St. Paddy’s Day
My Little Leprechaun
Searching for a Pot O' Gold
(Some titles taken from thePerfectTitle.com)
Thursday, March 02, 2006
March Newsletter Changes
Hi everyone!
I am trying something a little different for my newsletters. Instead of bogging down your inbox with a long email every month, I am going to start typing here on my new blog and just sending you a quick email reminder to check it out!
I want this to be a place where scrapbookers from all around the world can come and chat with me and with each other. Oh, and shoes are optional!
Be sure to introduce yourself and tell me what your favorite thing is about scrapbooking and what you wish you knew more about. This will give me some ideas for topics to cover in future postings!
Thanks so much for stopping by. Be sure to check out the links on here. You just never know what you might find!
Scrapfully yours,
Susan Whitehead, aka Barefoot Susan
I am trying something a little different for my newsletters. Instead of bogging down your inbox with a long email every month, I am going to start typing here on my new blog and just sending you a quick email reminder to check it out!
I want this to be a place where scrapbookers from all around the world can come and chat with me and with each other. Oh, and shoes are optional!
Be sure to introduce yourself and tell me what your favorite thing is about scrapbooking and what you wish you knew more about. This will give me some ideas for topics to cover in future postings!
Thanks so much for stopping by. Be sure to check out the links on here. You just never know what you might find!
Scrapfully yours,
Susan Whitehead, aka Barefoot Susan
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